Home Lifestyle Health How New Technology Can Eliminate Underarm Sweating!

How New Technology Can Eliminate Underarm Sweating!


Is it worth worrying if you sweat more often and more profusely? Is this due to the characteristics of the body or is it a manifestation of any disease? How to deal effectively with this problem?

How New Technology Can Eliminate Underarm Sweating

There are especially many sweat glands in the armpits. Excretion of sweat is necessary for the body for thermoregulation. But some people suffer from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The problem creates discomfort, tension and the need for constant monitoring.

But the advent of various new technologies brings reliable solutions to resolve the problem of underarm sweating. And miraDry is one of them. MiraDry technology is one of the most effective excessive underarm sweating treatments and body odour followed by Laser Sweat Ablation for a permanent cure and Botox or neurotoxin for palmar hyperhidrosis which gives temporary relief.

In the following guide, we learn more about this technology.

Let’s get started!

What is miraDry Treatment?

miraDry is an innovative non-surgical technology to remove odour, excess perspiration and armpit hair. The result will appear immediately after the procedure. The effect of the procedure is lifelong, due to the fact that the ontogenesis of the sweat glands occurs only in the embryonic period. So, they don’t regenerate after birth.

You might see short-term effects after the procedure – erythema and discomfort. They are minor and won’t require additional treatment. Some patients experienced more long-term side effects such as temporary changes in the sensitivity.

MiraDry – Lifelong Elimination of Perspiration

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology are constantly in search of new, improved methods for solving the problems of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). A real achievement in this area was an innovative development using the unique MiraDry device, which allows you to permanently get rid of excessive sweating in the armpit and slow down the growth of unwanted hair.

What Is the Essence of the Procedure?

The MiraDry technology is based on the effect of concentrated microwave radiation, which creates localized heating in the place where the dermis passes into the subcutaneous tissue. Controlled heating disorganized the work of the sweat glands, destroying them without risking neighbouring tissues.

Sweat production stops immediately after the procedure. At the same time, the hair follicles are destroyed, thereby blocking the growth of new hair. Radiation during thermolysis is precisely dosed by a specialist and is directed only to the area of localization of the sweat glands. No traces of exposure remain on the skin, but the effect is amazing.

That is why the technique has gained particular popularity and collects so many positive reviews.

Benefits of MiraDry Technology

The benefits of miraDry technology!

  • Can be held at any time of the year out of season.
  • The problem of sweating is solved in a one-hour session.
  • Local anaesthetics are sufficient for pain relief.
  • The procedure is effective for women and men.
  • The unpleasant odour is completely eliminated.
  • Unwanted hair growth is slowed down.

Preparation and Procedure

4-5 days before the procedure, you should shave your armpit in the usual way.

With the help of special templates, the zone of exposure to radiation is outlined, points for injection of anaesthetic are indicated. After anaesthesia, a gel conductor is applied to the skin, allowing the microwave to penetrate deep into the tissues.

A session on the miraDry device doesn’t exceed 60 minutes. The exact exposure time depends on the treatment area. The hydrodynamic cooling system protects the upper layers of the skin from heat and damage. In one procedure, the sweat glands are completely destroyed with the cessation of secretion production.

With severe hyperhidrosis, another miraDry session may be required, which is performed 3 months after the first procedure.

Recovery Period

On the first day, the axillary region remains slightly hyperemic and edematous, a slight discomfort persists for another 2-3 days. Cold compresses, which can be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes several times a day, help to reduce the severity of discomfort. During the week after the procedure, it’s recommended to limit physical activity, use of saunas and swimming pools, as well as beaches.

Wrapping Up!

Skincare should be gentle without intensive rubbing of the underarm area. Full recovery takes 1-2 weeks. From the very first days, you can notice the absence of perspiration and unpleasant odour, which significantly improves the quality of life in all aspects and allows you to forget about the delicate problem of wet armpits forever.

miraDry is equally effective for men and women. This is an excellent solution for business people whose activities are inextricably linked with meetings, communications, the need to speak in front of an audience, as well as to conduct negotiations or presentations. The procedure will allow you to forget about antiperspirants from marks on your clothes forever. Many laser clinics in Canberra are serving this procedure to many patients and providing effective results in return. But, it’s recommended to give preference to only professional dermatologists.


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