Home Business One-Step Checkout is the Hottest E-Commerce Support: Here’s Why

One-Step Checkout is the Hottest E-Commerce Support: Here’s Why


E-commerce is a boom and opening online store is becoming a trend since pandemic break out. As business owners we wouldn’t want to see too many abandoned carts. It’s frustrating to have people read through your copy and add items to a shopping cart only to see them exit on the checkout page.

One-Step Checkout is the Hottest E-Commerce Support

This leaves many entrepreneurs in a pickle: you know your content and craft it effectively because it has attracted and engaged the audience. You know your products are enticing because people have considered buying them. So what happened in the critical moment between adding items to a cart and paying for them?

A study on unsuccessful shopping transactions revealed that 28% of abandoned carts stem from a complicated checkout process. The site further reports that an ideal checkout method would only display 12-14 elements, but most businesses have 23.48 checkout features.

Understandably, business owners would tend to believe that reliable checkout methods would have to be more than just a single step. A business needs to capture important customer data for order fulfillment and delivery – and this process often extends to multiple pages.

If you think a one-step checkout is too simple to adapt in your ecommerce virtual assistant, it’s high time to consider its many benefits to your business. More and more companies are discovering the perks of the one-step checkout.

Here’s why:

It’s easy to install

Not every business owner has the experience or the funds to afford adding complicated checkout features to their online stores. A one-step checkout page doesn’t demand as much technical know-how or steep prices to be installed. In fact, Magento, an ecommerce platform that provides a one-step payment solution offers easy and free single-page checkout extension to its users.

It updates shopping costs and shipping addresses automatically

One-step payment transactions are deliberately designed to be simple. That is why the technology behind it is built to cope with a shopper’s actions.

When a shopper adds more items, the costs and contents in the shopping cart updates simultaneously. It also captures a shopper’s shipping address when they’ve registered as a user. This ease of use saves the customer a lot of time and work, thereby bringing them faster to checkout.

It captures important customer data quickly

Have you ever shopped at an online store where you were asked to fill out lengthy forms that went on for many pages? It could be one of the most frustrating online experiences. So, why should you subject your customers to this aggravation?

If you’re worried about getting important customer data, know that the one-step checkout process captures the most important information quickly. If that is much of a burden to you might out to get your own virtual assistant ecommerce. With this technology, all the necessary details to complete a transaction are fitted in a single page. Customers no longer need to fill out or navigate through multiple pages, while you get everything you need to fulfill and deliver orders.

It increases revenues

The Amazon marketplace guide is the perfect example of the one-step checkout efficiency. Amazon has seen 170% conversion rate that is hugely attributed to its one-step payment feature. Take a page off Amazon’s book and utilize the one-step pay process if you want a boost in your revenues.

Remember that 28% of consumers ditch their shopping carts due to complicated checkouts. Conversely, you ensure and even encourage more successful purchases with a simple payment flow.

Online shoppers are drawn to convenience. If you want to give them the ultimate shopping experience, make purchasing as simple as possible by adapting the one-step checkout in your online store.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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