Home Education Ways That Teachers Can Utilize Technology During Lectures

Ways That Teachers Can Utilize Technology During Lectures


Technology is crucial in the modern world as it is a reliable tool for communication. Technology further provides a virtual working environment and enhances the automation of tasks. The evolution of technology directly impacts students’ learning and engagement during their lectures. However, not all learning institutions embrace the power of technology in their practices.

Ways That Teachers Can Utilize Technology During Lectures

Notwithstanding the challenges associated with technology, educational institutions strive to set better standards for adopting the new technologies. The Tech revolution should not only help in doing routine tasks better but also help in doing new things. Rather than solely teaching, technology should be the basis for teachers to assume coaching roles in the classroom environment.

Here are ways teachers can utilize technology to streamline the learning process.

1. Flip the Classroom

Technology provides an avenue to enhance student engagement. Occasionally, you should give your students educational video assignments to handle at their residences. You can then use such assignments for classroom discussions.

Such approaches provide room for student and teacher interactions. Similarly, with these assignments, students can learn at their pace. Videos allow your students to rewind and repeat the videos until they get the educational concepts.

2. Distance Learning

Tech advancements break distance barriers and make the world seem like a small village. You can now gather students across the globe for lectures in the virtual environment. Similarly, you can contact various teachers in the same field to engage in collaborative virtual classroom projects.

3. Virtual Class Trips

Not all academic trips are possible. However, technology brings everything closer to you and your students. You can use detailed, informative videos to help your students to tour different places. For instance, if you teach about space, you can get informative videos from the internet and display them to your students.

Therefore, your students don’t have to visit the space to understand its constituents. Ultimately, your learners will become intellectuals as you equip them with the necessary information for diverse projects.

4. Expert Engagement Through Skype

Technology makes it easy to reach experts in different fields. Your students have the advantage of interacting with these experts courtesy of technology communication tools. For example, for clarity of some issues, you can Skype call a professional to interact with your students.

If the professionals have busy schedules, they only need to plan and allocate a few minutes for the students. Traditionally, these experts could take days to plan to meet with students for such engagements physically. However, currently, they are just a Skype call away, and as such, they can spice the learning environment.

5. Online Videos for Teamwork in Classroom Environment

No doubt, your students have different learning capabilities. Whereas some are slow learners, others are fast learners. You can utilize technology to enhance teamwork and interactions to improve the pace of slow learners.

For instance, you can play an educative video in class and encourage your students to discuss it. Discussion helps your students to interact closely and enhance thinking and learning skills. These sessions are crucial for brainstorming, sharing ideas, and having fun.

6. PowerPoint Presentations

Technology helps teachers to project their presentations in the form of power points. These power points have bulleted and summarized information in different forms like a graphical abstract. You can link related videos in your slides for information and reference purposes using these tools.

Slide presentations are great learning tools as it helps teachers adequately prepare for lectures beforehand. Also, through these presentations, students remain attentive as they can follow through with the lectures.

7. Smart Technologies

You can use modern tools to present content to the students. For instance, you can utilize smart boards, which are great projectors to enhance student concentration as they follow through with your lectures.

Additionally, you can introduce clickers alongside smartphones to engage your students during the lectures. These tools help you establish the speed at which your learners grasp information. Smart technologies provide an avenue for podcasting, giving the students the information they need during and after the lectures.


Technology is a crucial tool in the learning environment. Student engagement is the key to academic achievement. The main goal of education is to make learners better and more resourceful than before. Therefore, you should embrace technology to enhance attentiveness and make learning more enjoyable. You can apply the above ways to realize these goals.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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