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Choose Your Career Following These 6 Simple Steps After Graduation


Choosing the right career is a tough job after completing graduation. Some students would want to take up a job role and settle in life. At the same time, Best Career Counselling in India states that other students will be in two minds about whether to do a master’s degree or switch to another career. Does the last part sound like you? This blog is for you, then. Crossing roads can be mentally tiring, but one must do it for their peacefulness. For Eg: A Science student would want to pursue a career in Fine Arts, or a Law student would wish to pursue a career in Journalism.

The reason for this confusion is their wrong decisions after 12th grade. If they had opted for a suitable career, they would not face these issues after graduation. They also would have been like ordinary people who take a course, graduate and join a company for work. But, these people’s stories are different. They want to change their entire career scope totally in the opposite direction. Other reasons include:

  • Less exposure
  • Lack of knowledge about the specific subject
  • Opting for careers randomly based on the suggestions given by parents, friends and relatives.

How To Choose The Best Career After Graduation?

Below are the six easy ways to choose the right and suitable career after graduation.

1. Find Out What Makes You Wake Up Early And Work:

The field you are interested in should excite you and create an urge to know and learn more about it. If your present course and the available job opportunities related to that don’t bring any change in you, then you should consider switching the field. Best Career Counselling in Kolkata states that you should explore what you are passionate about and try your hands on that. For example, if you are passionate about drawing and sketching, you should develop the skills required to shine in that field. Your career must push you out of your comfort zone and take risks to learn and experience things.

2. Do Not Forget To Do Your Research This Time!

You already have experience of not doing the research properly and ending up in a doomed course. So, it would be best if you did your research sincerely. Look out for the career opportunities, scope in future, employment industry, salary aspects, etc., to come out in flying colours. Also, think beyond the box and check for the work nature and culture to complement your values and background. You can get to know a million details with a single touch. So, make optimum use of the internet to carry out your research.

3. Hands-on Experience- A Big Yes:

For example, if you are a Psychology student and want to switch your career to writing, you need to get hands-on experience in the particular field. Before enrolling on any course after graduation, it is better to take some free courses available or do an internship and check whether you like them or not. It is better because you will know how it will be once you complete the degree. Nothing works better than a personal experience. Even if you talk to many people in the field, the knowledge you gain will teach you an unforgettable lesson.

4. Talk to Experts:

Though it is impossible for all of them to talk to an expert in the field or a professional, one can follow their social media pages like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., to get clarity on what they are doing. Experts can tell you their personal experiences and make you understand how the field works and the requirements for a stable career. If you get an opportunity to connect with any educational professionals, ask you queries regarding the work, scope, challenges, etc. Also, Career Counselling in India states that clicking with an expert will bring you job opportunities and a new prospectus.

5. Counsellor- Your Best Friend!

There is nothing wrong with taking up a counselling session with career counsellors. Counsellors will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and assist you in choosing the right and suitable career based on your values, background, passion and interests. Career Counsellors have a vast knowledge of different professions and come up with the pros and cons before suggesting them to the graduates. Also, they have alternate options for every option they offer. A single counselling session can be eye-opening, improve your overall personality, and enhance your career development.

6. Psychometric Tests:

The graduates can take psychometric Tests or Career Aptitude Tests if they want to know about their strengths and weaknesses. Scientific reports give an accurate image of what we are interested in career life. But the people attempting these steps must be honest about answering the questions and should not do it for name’s sake. The aptitude tests cover skills, emotional intelligence, interests, logical reasoning, etc. Many free psychometric testing sites are available for graduates to sign up and use. Also, the other plus point of scientific reports is that they are unbiased.

What Else Can You Do?

Don’t get stressed if you cannot find a career or a goal. Give yourself a break and take time to think. Only with a clear mind you can know what you want to do in your life. Also, stop comparing yourself with your fellow mates. If they achieve something at their 25, you need not be the same. You can succeed at 30 too. So, Best Career Counselling in Kolkata advises you not to get carried away with the social media mirage and doom yourself.

Wrap Up

Switching careers can be a nightmare. But with the abovementioned points, one quickly and confidently shifts to another career without fear or doubts. If you do not like your career, it is better to jump to another than working in the same field and complaining about your dismay, says Career Counselling in India. Many people do not like their job but continue to do the same. They get stuck in a small circle and develop a fear of stepping outside the bubble. But coming out is the best thing you can do for yourself. Do what you love and become a successful person.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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