Home Lifestyle Home Improvement Commercial Electricians – What They Are And Why You Need Them

Commercial Electricians – What They Are And Why You Need Them


Commercial Electricians are what they sound like. Electricians that work in the commercial and retail sectors setting. In other words, they are the ones who do the wiring and all of the various electrical needs for business buildings and commercial properties. These individuals are able to do things such as installing new outlets, fix existing outlets, provide renovations on commercial spaces, and even add security measures to commercial properties. While commercial electricians perform these tasks, they are also capable of more complex jobs. Here are some of those other types of jobs.

Commercial Electricians - What They Are And Why You Need Them

When it comes to the wiring of commercial properties, commercial electricians play a very important role. They are able to do a variety of jobs related to the wiring of commercial buildings. Some of these jobs include installing wiring throughout a business or even repairing existing wiring. As you can see, being an electrician is very involved and often very demanding.

Residential Electricians: Just like commercial electricians, residential electricians work on residential settings. However, the difference between the two is that residential electricians work with homes and apartments and do not usually perform work in businesses. Instead, they are hired by homeowners to do all of the work that needs to be done around the home. This includes but is not limited to, installing new outlets, installing insulation and ventilation in homes, fixing outlets, and so much more.

Journeyman Electricians: Just as with journeymen, there are many different kinds of journeyman electrician. Some of the most common ones include National Home Contractors Association licensed electrician, National Electrical Contractors Association licensed electrician, and Certified Nails Examinator (CNE). A journeyman electrician usually has two years of experience and is able to start out as an apprentice for several months and then as a journeyman electrician. This allows them to gain experience and build on their skills as they work.

Electrical Contractor: This is another type of electrician that works in both residential and commercial settings. A contractor is someone who designs and builds new buildings and structures. These electricians must have either a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree. To qualify, the electrician must pass a state exam.

Industrial Electrician: These are electricians that work either for a construction company or a government agency. Generally, these people are considered journeymen because the majority of their job is done on residential homes and apartments. The reason for this is that these establishments are less likely to require new wiring because these homes usually come fully furnished. However, this does not mean that they are any less at risk. Electricians are trained professionals that have to be aware of safety regulations for both residential and commercial settings.

General electrical services. There are electrician specialists that will perform all of the general services associated with wiring, appliances, heating and air conditioning, security systems, etc. If you are not an electrician but want to make sure that your home is secure from theft, break-ins, and other problems, then you may want to call an electrician to check and see what their experience is in dealing with the general problems associated with wiring in residences and commercial properties. Some of the services that these electricians offer include testing the appliances, making repairs to the wiring, adding new wiring if needed, and changing the existing wiring if necessary.

Commercial buildings. Commercial buildings such as office buildings, retail stores, hospitals, etc. come with unique electrical systems because they have more electronics, more heavy equipment, more dangerous chemicals, and/or other hazards. Commercial electricians must know how to properly wire all of these structures in order to prevent any serious accidents.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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