Home Lifestyle Home Improvement Controlling Pests in Commercial Spaces: Things You Should Know

Controlling Pests in Commercial Spaces: Things You Should Know


Pest infestation is a cause of concern and headache, especially for business owners. Since cleanliness and hygiene are crucial in attracting customers, your company’s reputation and profits may be negatively affected when they see vermin creeping around your facility.

Controlling Pests in Commercial Spaces

Avoid this problem by learning how to manage these destructive creatures in your place of business. Here are things you should know about commercial pest control.

Common Types of Pests in Commercial Areas

Several kinds of pests lurk around your business facility’s walls, ceilings, and vents. The following are the usual critters to watch out for in commercial spaces:


Business owners should look out for rodent infestations because mice and rats are some of the most prevalent pests in commercial areas. They are problematic to deal with because of the damage they cause to properties. They have strong teeth which can gnaw through insulation, wood, plastic, and electrical wiring.

Rats and mice carry more than 35 diseases that spread through their droppings, saliva, urine, and bites. Such illnesses they can transmit include salmonella, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS), lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), and leptospirosis, to name a few.


Though flies are not as destructive as rodents, they can still threaten your business’s reputation if patrons see them flying around the area. There are over 200 species of flies, but the types you commonly find in commercial settings are horse flies, house flies, drain flies, fruit flies, and lacewings, among others. These insects can present risks to your health because they can spread the pathogens they carry when they land on your food.


Cockroaches are another type of annoying pest that are hard to manage. These bugs can eat almost anything and go almost anywhere in your facility. They are carriers of diseases and infections like polio, salmonellosis, streptococcus, cholera, listeriosis, and typhoid fever. Cockroaches can spread them via feces, saliva, or direct contact. Moreover, they can also trigger asthma and other allergies.


Birds such as pigeons, house sparrows, and European starlings are considered pests because they can cause property damage and negatively impact your health and safety.

Their droppings are corrosive, causing damage and deterioration on commercial property roofs. It is also problematic when birds take shelter in HVAC systems installed on building rooftops. Their nests can cause electrical disruption, clog pipes, and attract other pests like mites, slugs, and gnats. These types of birds also carry and spread diseases like salmonella, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis.


Spiders are typically found in crevices, vents, and cracks. They create webs that collect dust that can cause allergies. They can also turn away patrons with arachnophobia (extreme fear of spiders) when they spot them.

Preventive Measures Against Pests in Commercial Properties

Now that you know the common pests you can see in places of business, here are some of the best practices you can do for commercial pest control:

Keep Your Workplace Clean

Pests breed in and inhabit dirty places. Deter them from infesting your area by following these ways in maintaining a clean commercial facility:

  1. Practice proper waste management and empty your trash bins regularly.
  2. Sweep or vacuum carpets and floors on your commercial property.
  3. Dispose of all food wastes in a tightly secured garbage bag or garbage can.
  4. Clean your kitchen area daily and throw away all food waste in a tightly covered garbage can.
  5. Remove clutter in your area where pests are most likely to inhabit.
  6. Remove standing waters in birdbaths, plant pots, and potholes. They can serve as a breeding space for mosquitoes.
  7. Clean soda machines and bar drip trays daily to avoid attracting pests.

Inspect Your Facilities Regularly

Instruct your employees to check commercial facilities for any cracks, holes, or other openings where pests can enter. Have them inspect rooms that are dark or rarely used since these places are where pests and nests can be found. Make this task a part of their regular opening or closing duties.

Hire a Reputable Pest Control Specialist

One of the most effective ways of protecting your business from pests is hiring a licensed pest management professional. Since they are knowledgeable in commercial pest control, it’s best to contact and ask these experts what pest maintenance and management programs to implement so you can prevent pest infestation in your workplace.


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