Home Education Fourteen Examples of the Modernization in Higher Education

Fourteen Examples of the Modernization in Higher Education


It is the year 2021, the time of innovations all around the world. Technology is everywhere, and our lives have become more accessible than ever before. We are getting all kinds of things from technology today, and they are making our daily chores very simple. The education system is also starting to cope with advanced technology to make education innovative and enhance learning. Now you can find website content services online that are helping students with their assignments or any help students in their education. It is also a tremendous change in education that was not here before. So to give you an idea about the kinds of innovations the educations systems are using are here.

Fourteen Examples of the Modernization in Higher Education

1. Competency-based education

It is an education that is very popular and in use now in education systems. It is a little of both good and bad but also worth considering closely. Competency-based learning is not necessarily an example of innovation in the education system. Still, it is something towards innovative learning that can lead to other better innovations utilizing the tech. It is to customize the student’s paths to the expert content. The excellent part of competency-based education is that it should be more efficient and mainly for the students regarding the education procedure.

2. Flip classroom, video streaming, and eLearning style

It is the second example of innovative learning, which starts from Zoom to Skype to webinars and social media streaming. Videos are the most common type of innovation in higher education as the entire world is adopting online classes because of the pandemic.

3. Open syllabus

It is an innovation that has been out for many years, but many people do not know about it. The eLearning facilities will become the core of the education systems very soon. MOOCs are best for education systems, but the issues are the appraisals and reactions that stop it. MOOCs are the Massive Open Online Courses that are accessible online courses for students to enrol in as they are a flexible and affordable way to carry on education. They help in enhancing student’s careers and provide them eminence experiences in education at the scales.

4. Varying nature of the faculty

Now is when the digital links of the details make it easier to access the data and particular areas omnipresent, especially in the scientific sectors. They have a varying nature that makes everything simple and easier in the scientific activities in the education systems.

5. Variations in the revenue sources for the organization financial support

As the virus has a significant impact on the world and its economy, it also affects the steps that the states are taking to fund higher education systems through state funding, federal subsidies, and other methods requiring the scale faster with the significant price-cutting. It enables us to find the new business models for colleges in the essential innovations in the decades.

6. Digital textbooks

It is a relatively minor innovation, but it is an innovation nonetheless. It has open-source textbooks, free rental, digital textbooks, and more. It is an innovation that makes books more accessible than ever. So it is beneficial to teacher and students both.

These were innovations that are education systems are commonly using. Here is a list of innovations that many education systems are not using, and some of them are not aware of these innovations. These innovations are in very few higher education systems with a higher budget and knowledge about the inventions.

7. 3D Printing

The 3D printing system has a lot of potential in higher education. If the universities use and nurture it correctly, 3D printing can lead to more disorderly innovations. The 3D printing utilizes the
Computer-Aided Design (CAD). It makes the three-dimensional material by layering methods. People also refer to it too addictive manufacturing. The printing includes plastics, layering materials, bio-materials to produce objects that sort in size, colour, shape, and rigidity.

8. Utilization data analytics

Data analytics is an innovation among the most potent examples of innovations in the higher education systems. This innovation helps the education system a lot by gathering and saving a lot of data. It helps to secure and input a large number of details.

9. Free tuitions

It is an essential growth for the socio-inequalities and the most astonishing thing in higher education systems. In 2015 Stanford University announced that it would make tuitions free of cost for every student that is from a family which earns $125,000 a year.

10. Augmented reality and Virtual reality

The Augmented reality enables the students to operate a chemical plant very efficiently. Virtual reality empowers a person to interrelate from artificial three-dimensional surroundings by electronic tools like goggles with gloves or a screen with sensors in it. It will make students understand lessons in a straightforward way. It will be simpler for the teachers to explain some examples so that the students will be able to experience them initially. It will help them keep things in mind from this fascinating innovation.

11. Smarter education supervision schemes

The requirements and the techs are available at the time, but they are also worst in many situations.

12. Artificial Intelligence

Al is the portion of the future but not entirely, just like the VR. It is becoming a part of the education system very rapidly, and people love this innovation in the learning system.

13. Innovative sorts of qualifications and degrees

The inventive kinds of degrees and qualifications are those STEM sectors with humanities and also nano-degrees. It also could have the update of your degree and certification over time.

14. Latest pedagogies

These are the alternatives to the lectures that many universities are experimenting with for better learning experiences. It includes inquiry-based learning, competency-based learning, college-level project-based learning, scenario-based learning, etc.

Education is the most important part of our lives, and we have to continue It no matter how we do it. Keeping that in mind, the education systems are working hard and thinking ahead to bring the new form of education to the students so that education does not come to an end. They are also trying to introduce students to the new types of innovations that they must learn.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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