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How to Save Energy and Make Money


There are various means of minimizing energy consumption to save money, varying from easy behavioral changes to significant home advancements. The main reasons for energy conservation are to reduce home expenses and ensure the safety of our environment. Most individuals are usually surprised when they get their power use bills which should not be the case. Here are the various ways of saving energy to make money in your home.

How to Save Energy and Make Money

Change Your Daily Behavior

The process of saving energy in your household to make money does not have to be challenging. It may include simple behaviors in your home, such as switching off your light bulbs when not in use. You can also minimize your energy-consuming appliances by doing some house chores manually. These include washing your dishes manually instead of using a dishwasher or putting your clothes to dry without using a dryer. Minimizing your thermostat usage in the summer or switching off your thermostat during winter can significantly save you a reasonable amount. Cooling and heating expenses cost you almost half of your utility bills. Therefore, minimizing the number of times and the intensity of cooling and heating in your household can save energy and make you money.

Use Energy Star Appliances

The energy star determines various home appliances as energy efficient, such as dryers, dishwashers, freezers, washers, dehumidifiers, computers, refrigerators, and many others. It would be best to always search for the energy star label before getting new appliances in your home. As a result, you will be able to save energy consumption in your home, thus reducing your power bills. It also does not mean that you should overuse such appliances just because they are energy-efficient as they will not serve the purpose of energy conservation in your home.

Utilize only Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

It would help if you replaced your light bulbs with energy-saving ones to conserve energy in your home. DOE suggests that star-accepted bulbs can save $45 annually. Whether you use energy-saving light bulbs or any other one, you should always switch them off when not in use. Install timers in your garages, laundry rooms, basements, and other minimally utilized areas to switch off the lights after a certain period automatically.

Participate in an Energy Response Program

Households or enterprises utilize excess energy to cool or heat their premises during extreme weather conditions. This leads to the over-straining of the existing energy supply, which causes various power challenges like blackouts and brownouts. Many utilities have developed specific power plants called peaker plants that are only used when there is a high energy demand. However, the power generated is usually costly; therefore, various energy utilities provide energy demand response programs for their customers to get cashback. These minimize your energy use during extreme weather conditions upon the utilities’ requirements. They include switching off the light bulbs, under-utilizing energy-intensive appliances, and other energy-saving activities.

Minimize the Cost of Water Heating

Heating water in your home is a significant contributing factor to your power expenses. There are three ways of minimizing the cost of water heating apart from getting an energy-saving water heater. These include switching off the thermostat in your water heater, reducing the consumption of heated water, or insulating the initial six feet of cold and hot water pipes, including your water heater. If you contemplate getting an energy-efficient water heater, you should consider two elements: a water heater matching your requirements and fuel type. For instance, water heaters without tanks are energy-saving; however, they are not suitable for extended families as they cannot sustain sizable hot water consumption.

Install Energy Efficient Windows

Much energy in the home is lost through the windows, approximately 10 to 25% of your entire heating expenses. You should install double-pane windows to inhibit heat wastage in your household. If you live in colder places, installing gas-filled windows with less energy covering can tremendously minimize your heating cost. It is significant if you reside in areas with extreme weather occurrences to install storm windows. In warmer regions, excess heat through the windows can be challenging. Therefore, apart from insulating your windows, you should also minimize energy gain by reducing the quantity of thermal energy and reflecting most of the light. Based on your area of residence, energy star windows can save you on utility expenses annually. Window screens, shades, awnings, and shutters are also suitable for getting more insulation between your external temperatures and your home. It enables you to save energy loss in your home thereby, saving you money.

Start Saving Energy and Make Money

Energy conservation in your home is a significant way of making money. It includes changing certain behaviors in your household that lead to energy wastage and save you a good amount of money. Energy saving in your home not only saves you money but also protects the environment from the adversity of climate change. Therefore, the above ways and many others can save energy and make you money.


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