Home Lifestyle Relationship When is the Right Time to Get Married?

When is the Right Time to Get Married?


Am I ready? May be I should wait it out? How much to compromise? How to find the right life partner? There are very many questions in your mind when you even think about the word ‘marriage’. Understandably, after all, it is half your need and you want to make the right decision.

When is the Right Time to Get Married

You will only know the answer to this question if you actually start thinking about “Marriage” and what it means to you. May be starting with a simple pros and cons list would help you structure your thoughts help you prioritize things in your life. Take a plain sheet of paper and write the big words MARRIAGE right in the middle and divide the page into 2 halves – write down all the positive associations, words, experiences, stories one side and all the negative associations on the other side.

Secondly, talk to a married person who is elder to you(but relatable) and can talk freely to. Talk to them about any questions you have in mind about marriage. Ask them about their experience- good and bad, how they were able to overcome the challenges, what are their highlights. You will be able to gain perspective to things and you will be able to analyze if you are mentally ready to take the next big step in your life.

Thirdly, start categorizing personality traits that you like/dislike in a person and see what is just non negotiable. Having a list in your head just sounds super devious, I know! But trust me it helps! Because you are not going to tick off everything from your list but at least you will not be ticking off the non negotiable characteristics in a person.

Overall, these activities will also help you in understanding yourself better and this understanding acts like an anchor for your future decisions. It helps you stay grounded and not get swayed away with false talk and promises. This is where the journey of informed decision takes place.

Take an informed decision for marriage

Taking an informed decision does not always mean just understanding the person you are meeting better but it is more about understanding yourself better and being in tune with your wants and needs in life.

Getting into marriage as an unhappy person, expecting the partner to make you happy is an unhealthy practice. Of course, the person you marry should make you happy but you need to be okay with yourself before sharing your life with someone else. Pen down your thoughts and plans and get to the point of being at peace with yourself. Getting into marriage when you are figuring out life between education and a crazy job schedule could add to complications in life. having said that, if you think you have found a person who understands your circumstances and you have clearly communicated these aspects to the person, then you can proceed with more confidence

Meeting your life partner on a matrimonial website

In today’s world it is so tough for youngsters to build trust over a matrimonial site/ dating apps. It is important for them to interact and get to know the person for a few months/ years before thinking of taking things forward- which is a great way. but what if you could know a bit more about the person rather than just the mundane details about his family and food habits- which really does not tell anything about his or her personality.

At Halal Interactions, we help you get to know more about the person in the first glance, which helps in starting conversations and breaking the ice from the very beginning. We believe in focusing on main aspects that make a personality- the value system, which incorporates – family, career, religion, your general point of view on mundane things in life and finally your perspective on marriage- roles of men and women in marriage. This helps us in gauging your personality traits and arranging online events where young Muslims can interact through group discussions and group games that help in understanding a person more in depth.

Have a look at our registration form – we have some interesting questions that would help you prioritize your thoughts for sure! And may be help you understand your likes and dislikes better.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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