Home Lifestyle Relationship 10 Significant Reasons Why the Majority of Relationships Fails

10 Significant Reasons Why the Majority of Relationships Fails


Relationships fail because partners often do not appreciate one another’s efforts and do not have mutual understanding and respect for one another.

The relationship is a sensitive term that requires mutual understanding, respect, trust, and loyalty, which is the most important thing in every relationship.

10 Significant Reasons Why the Majority of Relationships Fails

Most of us are giving all of our efforts to find the right partner for us, but it is more difficult to find the right partner. The majority of relationships fail because of a lack of mutual understanding and respect for one another.

Top 10 Reasons Why A Relationship Fails:

1. Trust Issues:

Lack of confidence is one of the most damaging infections of the long-term success of a relationship. Two of the major anchors of a good connection, security and security, are missing without confidence.

Confidence-related concerns might include such factors as jealously, possessivity; excessive rigidity; emotional infidelity; physical/sexual affair, relationship games play, a lack of reliability, and dependability.

If you think that confidence is the main issue in your relationship (or it was in your previous relationship), analyze whether the lack of faith is founded on evidence (such as critically broken promises) (such as jealousy without proof). Honestly, consider whether a lack of confidence is based on genuine material or unfounded anxieties.

2. Different Expectation:

For a pair, it’s not easy to go along for a long time together. The qualities that draw two individuals at the beginning of a relationship typically become less central, as the reality of life and obligations of daily living set in. They are physical attractions, sexual passions, mutual interests, personality links, and socio-economic backgrounds. Overtime, several expectations may change as their distinct life plans start to be seen as “What I want” rather than “What we want.”

Differences in priority:

Your partner has distinct relationship priorities and expectations.
For others, life’s primary center of gravity is the essential other relation (and family). In its importance, nothing else comes close.
For others, even a passionate love relationship is just one aspect of life. Many other life issues can rightly have a more significant priority from their point of view.

3. Moving through life at different speeds:

When a spouse learns and grows fast, and the other stagnates, it might cause relationship disagreement. A partner that progresses fast in his work and society would be one example, whilst his other major partner stagnates. The couple’s professional and social circles begin to separate, and eventually, they differentiate themselves. They have separated themselves physically, intellectually, and socially.

4. Compatibility issues:

Compatibility with relation is a big subject worthy of its own chapters. In my books, relationship compatibility is studied in length, including intimacy compatibility, psychological compatibility, and attachment style interoperability.

5. Communication Issues:

It’s a great one. Many studies have shown communication (or lack of it) as one of the leading causes for marital counseling and one of the leading reasons for divorce and break up.

After more than 20 years of research, Dr. John Gottman of the University of Washington, one leading expert on couples, determined that one or both spouses express contempt for the partnership is the single strongest predictor of divorce.

Contempt is often communicated by a negative assessment, criticism, or sarcasm over a person’s value, the reverse of respect. This is regarded to be “hard on the person, gentle on the subject” in communication studies. Contemptuous communication acts as a poison; it kills a romantic relationship’s health and well-being.

6. Narcissism:

A psychiatric condition with an inflated sense and a great craving for praise.” Inflating others. The lack of actual connection in relationships typically marks narcissism.

Narcissism can involve sophisticated superiority, a grandiose self-image, rights, hubris, gross breaches, fake charm, the Don Juan syndrome, manipulation, irresponsibility, breakdown of rule, severe egocentricity, unpleasant feelings, and contempt for others. Research shows significantly that high narcissism correlates with unfaithfulness.

7. Relational Abuse:

Relationship abuse is defined for this letter as a person’s recurrent abuse. Examples are verbal, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse. Manipulation of pathology. The narcissism of pathology. The passive-aggressiveness of pathology. Overcontrol and domination. See my books “Change in Manipulative Persons,” “Change with Narcissists Successfully,” and “Change passively aggressive people Successfully” for details on this subject.

8. Life Habit Abuse:

Abuse of the habit of life are features that can ultimately damage the relationship in a destroying way. However, they may or may not include the partner (such as covert gambling addiction). Examples of abuse of life habits are drug dependence, Suffering from alcohol. Gambling addiction. Sexual dependence.

9. Grown Apart:

If any of the four terms above reflect your experience in relation, several aspects have to be taken into account.

Suppose you and your partner have been in a partnership for two years or under. In that case, it can be a result of a lack of commitment, differing expectations, incompatibility, or the natural trial process and error in the search for a partnership.

If you are in a long-term relationship, it is possible to interconnect with each other and to evolve through living commitments (e.g. education, employment, and especially childcare). One classical example is “empty nest” syndrome, where parents are suddenly strangers to one another after all children have grown up and left home, and since so many years they have not concentrated on each other.

10. Money Issues:

The greater the chance of economic incompatibility, the longer a couple are in a committed relationship. Research suggests that money inequalities are one of the main causes of marriage breakup. A few don’t have to be married to face financial issues.
Disputes and money concerns relate to some of our most profound psychological demands and worries, including trust, security, security, strength, monitoring and survival.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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