Home Lifestyle 3 Incredibly Unique Charity Ideas to Involve Your Family in

3 Incredibly Unique Charity Ideas to Involve Your Family in


We all know that giving back to our town or city is an unselfish move and one that only helps to strengthen the connection to our community and its citizens. When you can involve other members of your family to join in a worthy cause and make it a group endeavor, that creates a special bond that can yield exceptional results.

3 Incredibly Unique Charity Ideas to Involve Your Family in

Giving to others is a good lesson to teach your children, and it also demonstrates that any unselfish act is one that has value and can make a difference in someone’s life. Here are our favorite and distinct charity ideas that families can do together.

1. The Amazing Personal Challenge

This is a unique charity concept that you can all participate in as a family unit, or you can support a member of your family who is performing an incredible feat for charity. The beauty of this idea is in its broad scope, and it allows a family to choose a cause that is dear to their hearts and to take control of the fundraising aspects.

For example, maybe your two teens are amazing, long-distance runners. You, as a family, could create a personal feat fundraiser that involves your children in running a 10K race. This kind of charity event makes donors want to follow the journey and step up to the plate to support the person or persons attempting it.

Young people are extremely talented with social media and could tap into that form of publicity to encourage folks to contribute, add photos and videos, and other ideas that attract people to their cause.

A widower by the name of Chip Rosencrans performed his own personal feat fundraiser that had a personal connection to breast cancer. He climbed Mt. Whitney, the tallest mountain summit in the United States, and he did so in the memory of his late wife Cindy who lost her battle to the disease. Rosencrans and his family raised more than $41,000 for breast cancer research.

2. The Dine Out For A Cause

Here is another fun way that the entire family can become involved, socialize with members of their community and raise money for an important cause. Best of all, this charity concept involves eating, and who doesn’t enjoy breaking bread with others, right?

Dining out for charity may seem old-school just like giving to the National Kidney Foundation pickup when you donate a car to the cause, but these kinds of traditional, selfless acts can go a long way.

When your family is involved with a non-profit they believe in and want to offer their time and compassion, the dine out for a cause never disappoints. Many local restaurants enjoy connecting with their community and would like to partner with a non-profit for a fundraising evening.

You and your kids can volunteer with waitressing or cooking or setting up tables for the fundraiser. There are many creative possibilities for arranging a dine out.

It is an affair that also draws local businesses to the table, and that helps to build excellent relationships within a town or city.

3. Video Gaming For Charity

Here’s an idea of reaching the Millennial demographic and raising money for your favorite cause or charity. Let’s face it; young people are obsessed with video games, and maybe your family loves playing these online games together.

One way to get involved is by looking in your own backyard. For instance, ask around to find local gaming communities or gamers who have staged a fundraising event in the past. Ask if they would consider partnering with an organization you’re involved with to help run a charitable video gaming match.

If you add a live streaming component to your event, it can be a very lucrative way for nonprofits to raise funds.

Giving back is something you can do at any age, and when you do it as a family, it’s a wonderful, selfless act. There are many different charity ideas out there, but trying something unusual is fun because it shakes things up and can take fundraising efforts to the ultimate level. Direct mail marketing will never disappear, but we believe our charity ideas offer a fresh, modern approach.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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