Home Lifestyle Home Improvement 5 Housing Tips For When You’re Off to College

5 Housing Tips For When You’re Off to College


College life is the most hectic education stage for everyone. It is when students move out of their parent’s homes to stay on their own. Imagine deciding what exactly you need to do to see things moving.

5 Housing Tips For When Youre Off to College

Making the right housing facilities decisions can be exciting and stressful at the same time when you are joining college for the first time. Fortunately, with the right housing tips, living in college will be the best experience for you.

There is a list of what you need to do when moving into a new college dorm. Get familiar with the college’s rules and regulations that govern the move-out and move-in process. Some of the existing college moving policies can affect your much-anticipated moving experience.

But, no need to panic, there are additional actions you can do to run the process smoothly.

These five housing tips will help you start your college life in the right direction.

1. Draft a List of All You Need and Pack them Accordingly

Before you begin your college year, the college school will provide you with a checklist showing all the requirements to bring. In addition, you should be provided with a list showing all the items available in the dorm to allow you to pack wisely. There is no need to carry what is already offered by the college housing department.

For example, you do not need to carry any furniture since dorm rooms come furnished with a desk, mattress, dresser, chair, and bed. Mini-fridge and bookshelves are some of the extra furniture services provided.

On your side, the list sent by the college should include specific items like twin sheets, bathroom and laundry essentials, etc. Most college dorm rooms require students to bring twin sheets that are extra long.

Noting down everything will help you know what you have and what you miss. You can also refer to the letter one more time to ensure that no single requirement is omitted.

2. Contact Your Roommate Early

Who is going to be my roommate? Those are some of the questions you are likely to ask yourself before meeting your roommate. Worry not, because the college should provide your roommate’s details.

Use the contact information to reach out to them to establish who brings what. The initiative will help you enlighten your load and make your moving experience more manageable. For example, you can agree on who will facilitate all the kitchen services and coordinate the room’s décor and furnishing services.

Early preparation helps things move fast and effectively. A guideline to this is that you should all carry what both of you can afford, plus the items should be a necessity to both of you. When you kick off your college studies, everything in place will allow everyone to be comfortable, creating a conducive environment to focus on studies.

3. Be Conversant With College’s Housing and Residence Life Guidelines

Staying on the safe side of the law is always peaceful. Your college provides every student with details on how one needs to move to your college dorm and what is expected every moving day. Note down the critical guidelines like where and when to check in every day, parking area, who is in charge of everything, how to register, etc.

For example, the west campus apartments in Austin TX may request you to bring or sign some extra forms once you access the buildings. So, ensure you are familiar with the whole setup of the establishment to avoid service delivery delays.

4. Dress Appropriately

Did you know move-in day should not be the day you wear high heels and other tight clothes? Trust me; this is a day you are busy walking up and down, lifting heavy languages, and making every item assembled in the room. Therefore, you need to be flexible and comfortable through the multiple stairs.

Stick to comfortable shoes, primarily sneakers, light clothes, and socks to avoid sweating hence efficiency.

5. Finally, Meet Your Roommates and Hallmates

Even though you are having a hectic day, consider meeting your roommate too. The first-time smile with a friendly “hello” will be the beginning of a good friendship.

Wrapping Up

A good college dorm can be tedious since you will mostly miss home; however, you will achieve the best living experience away from home with the tips mentioned above.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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