Home Lifestyle Home Improvement 5 Things to Avoid When Renovating Your Landscape Design

5 Things to Avoid When Renovating Your Landscape Design


For those who want to increase the curb appeal of their home, landscaping is the best option. However, just like with any renovation, there’s the right way to do it and the wrong. Here are five things to avoid when you renovate your landscape.

5 Things to Avoid When Renovating Your Landscape Design

1. Starting Without a Plan

According to Berg Landscape Architects, a company that works with landscape design in Utah, you want to create a design with memorable outdoor environments around your needs and style. With that said, in order to achieve that, you will need a plan. And therefore, you may want to consider working with a professional to develop that plan. A professional can offer ideas to transform your desires for the landscape into a reality. You may know that you want flowers somewhere, but without an effective plan put into place, you may end up putting those flowers somewhere that look out of place.

Working without a plan makes that your landscape is going to look like a mess. There won’t be a sophisticated flow to it. It’ll just be a bunch of planted flowers and gardens around a home that doesn’t strike a chord in anyone.

Landscaping without a plan also means it’s a lot easier to exceed your budget. You may not realize how much space you need to cover before you start getting into it. That means you may have to buy more flowers and go well past the budget you had originally planned for.

Worse, you may find that you don’t like trees or plants in a certain location. It’ll cost you even more money to remove them and plant them somewhere else.

2. Planting Beyond Your Capabilities

A lot of people love the idea of a huge garden. With colorful flowers bringing your attention to the yard and shoulder-high bushes obscuring you from view, they can be beautiful to behold. However, homeowners often make the mistake of planting more than they can actually handle.

Gardens and landscaping require regular maintenance in order to stay sharp. Are you prepared to do the amount of weeding, mowing, reapplying fertilizer or soil to keep your flowers and plants growing healthily? If not, then you may want to start with a small garden.

The rest of the landscaping should be as efficient and maintenance-free as possible. Before you start planting everywhere, it’s vital you understand if you’re prepared to put in the work of maintaining your new landscape design.

3. Understand Fertilizer

When your landscape design is put into place, it’ll be up to you to take care of it for the most part. You can always hire a landscaping company to perform regular maintenance on it. However, it doesn’t hurt to understand the basics. One of those basics is how much fertilizer to use.

Too much fertilizer can burn out your grass. It can grow to extraordinary lengths and be difficult to take care of. With so much fertilizer, the grass might also become saturated and stop growing altogether.

On the other end, too little fertilizer can keep the grass from growing as bountifully as possible.

Speaking with a landscape designer can give you an idea as to how much fertilizer you should on your grass and in your garden. With their expert information, you stand a better chance of ensuring your lawn remains green rather than brown or completely devoid of grass.

4. Not Choosing a Color Scheme

One of the aspects that you need to consider when renovating your landscape design is the color scheme. Not many homeowners think about this aspect. They typically end up choosing flowers or plants that appeal to them. However, a landscape without a color scheme tends to look lackluster.

By speaking with a professional team of landscape designers, you can develop a color scheme that matches your home or the design you have in mind. The color can make the area pop. It can also keep the design from looking monochrome or boring.

5. Not Hiring a Professional

One last mistake to avoid when renovating your landscape design is to not hire a landscaping company. You can attempt to perform landscaping yourself, but you can be sure that it won’t look nearly as professionally done than if performed by an actual professional. You’re going to love your landscape so much more when the experts are a part of the design.

Landscape renovation isn’t always easy. Avoid these five mistakes when you renovate.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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