Home Digital Marketing Guidelines to Write Amazing Subject Lines for Your Outreach Emails

Guidelines to Write Amazing Subject Lines for Your Outreach Emails


You can spend thousands of hours writing a perfect cold email, but if you don’t know how to write a good subject line to get people to actually open it and read your email, nobody is going to take a meeting with you.

Guidelines to Write Amazing Subject Lines for Your Outreach Emails

Here you will learn about the subject lines that get your emails opened.

Before we start, let’s understand a few concepts.

What is the function of the subject line in your email?

It’s the very first thing that intrigues your readers or subscribers to open up your email.

Now you accept how crucial it is to have a subject line that’s more likely to get clicked.

But, a lot of times, it’s left unnoticed by a lot of salespeople.

One of the common mistakes people make is trying to make the sale in the subject line. They give details about the offer right in the subject line.

Then it sounds very preachy, very salesy.

Do you know what people do with such emails? Undeniably, they delete it !!!

They never get to see your message.

Always remember that the subject lines are not to make the sale; the only purpose of the subject line is to get them to open the email.

You should not even frame the email to make the sale.

The purpose of the email is to get them to click on the link that takes them to the offer, that takes them to the next step, maybe to book a call with you or enroll in your workshop.

Regardless of what your call to action is, never intend to make the sale in an email.

Let’s get started with the guidelines to write subject lines that work well and explain why they work.

Desired Outcome Subject Line

You have to empathize with your prospect and understand what they want in their life or their business and how you can take those desires and put them into a subject line.

And when you are sending this to the right person, they’re going to open it because they are curious, and it’s their desired outcome that they want in their particular business or phase of life.

(Sending emails to the right person is crucial, and you can do this accurately with GetEmail.io, one of the highly recommended Email Lookup Tools.)

When people read the desired outcome subject line, they will be interested, as this is what they already want.

That makes sense, right?


Reference Subject Line

A Reference subject line is compelling & this is where you are referring to something specific.

For instance, maybe the organization you want to collaborate with was featured in a news column or won an award.

Or maybe your prospect just got hired at the company, and you want to build a relationship with them.

Suppose the founder of an organization you want to work with has crossed a milestone or was on the podcast. You can put them an email with a subject line addressing these events.

This subject line works well because it’s highly relevant at that moment for that person.

So when you bring this up, your target audience, whoever it is, is more likely to open your mail and read it thoroughly to know what you have to say about their accomplishment.

Pain Subject Line

You have to focus on your prospects’ specific pain points.

By pointing out their pain, you’re showing that you understand who they are, what they are going through.

And possibly, you might offer a solution for their problem.

That would mean that if they want to move forward, they can take a meeting with you.

So do a little research on the company’s website to see where they are in the business.

By doing so, you’ll understand what pains do your prospects’ have? What are they probably struggling with?

So, these are some guidelines you can follow in drafting unique subject lines for your outreach email.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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