Home Lifestyle How to Naturally Relax Your Mind & Body This Winter

How to Naturally Relax Your Mind & Body This Winter


It’s freezing outside; you cannot move around much, the days are short, and you’re probably stressed about one or more things in your life. What do you do? How do you get your body and mind to relax naturally without trying too hard? It’s simple. Engage in one or more of the following activities:

How to Naturally Relax Your Mind & Body This Winter

Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to calm down a restless mind. According to Forbes, being thankful is scientifically proven to improve the physical and psychological health. The best part of it is that it is very simple and effective. All you need to do is make a list of every single thing you are grateful for. It could be something that happened in the morning, yesterday, last month or even last year. Think of all the positive aspects of your life, write them down and reflect on them. Practice this exercise daily or weekly. In the long run, it will help you appreciate a lot in your life and make you feel calmer and happier.


Yoga is a relaxing and energizing activity that you can perform to boost your mental and physical health. It has been practiced for ages by people across the world to destress and relax the body. While there are many yoga techniques you could perform, you can start by doing this simple exercise:

  1. Stand tall and close your eyes.
  2. Feel the earth below your feet.
  3. Breathe normally, and then start breathing deeply. Imagine releasing all your pressure and everything else standing in the way of your peace and happiness as you exhale.
  4. Now close your mouth and breathe through your nose.
  5. When you inhale, lift up your arms and squeeze your thighs. Lift your head and chest forward.
  6. Circle your arms back at the heart center while exhaling.

Adopt house plants and take care of them

Many therapists recommend taking care of plants as a relaxation activity. Granted, there’s always something therapeutic about taking care of something and seeing it flourish. During winter, many types of houseplants tend to become dormant, making the season the perfect time to maintain them. Among other things, make sure they’re getting enough light and water, and also that they are properly situated in the house. You can also dust their leaves and trim them as you deem fit.

Take some time to relax

This is another classic technique of relaxation you can try. Soaking in a warm bath is one of the best ways to relax your muscles, unwind and destress during the cold season. There are many options to choose from, including warm bubble baths or salt baths.

If you want, you can also relax in a good-quality softub. Softubs are designed to relieve physical and mental pressure through a system of organized waterjets that rejuvenate the entire body. If you don’t have one of these items, you can always find a luxurious softub for sale online. Slow down at the end of the day by making a hot drink and let your body relax in the water.

Experiment with a fun winter sport

Sometimes, it’s not feasible to find something relaxing in the house when you’re not even the type that enjoys indoor activities. In that case, you can try out a few outdoor sports to determine the one that works for you. One of the best activities you should consider starting with is skiing, ice hockey or ice-skating. All you need is to wear enough layers to beat the cold and enjoy!

Final Thoughts

As the days turn colder, you have the opportunity to enjoy each and every one of them. Practice these five simple activities to keep yourself relaxed and happy throughout the season.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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