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How to Run a Social Media Marketing Campaign


Social media is the new place for marketing and advertising. Small and medium businesses especially choose this strategy for their marketing because it is rapid, inexpensive, and effective in targeting the desired audience. Even large companies today have recognized the important role of this channel in marketing and business growth. Unlike conventional marketing, running a social media campaign requires a new set of skills and knowledge.

How to Run a Social Media Marketing Campaign

If you plan on a social media marketing campaign for your business, here are ways to develop a successful strategy.

Identify the Suitable Platforms

First, you need to know the proper channels from the different ones that social media has for your business. There are main channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that are popular. Others are within the emerging niche, yet they are also good at focusing on specific target consumers. Every single channel works differently and requires a separate set of strategies to run effectively.

The channels that you choose should align with the target consumers and prospective base. Subsequently, you can now run your marketing activities across the different channels to generate a consumer response. Each channel will have its consumer group that you can pool from the marketing campaign.

Develop Themes

Apart from the channels, it is also important to develop themes for your marketing campaigns. Themes are like slogans or topics that you will use to focus your marketing activities and efforts across social media. The different channels are niches, each with a specific slogan requirement that would elicit the message and attract the consumers.

The themes you develop can work as standard text, multimedia messages, and intensive strategies that focus on consumer groups. You must understand the strategy that would work and the best way to align the messages to realize the best value in its market.

Get Handlers

A social media campaign requires the right skill and necessary personnel to run the marketing activities. The success of these activities will depend on the value of the people running the process and their skills with them. It is good that you find the right staff for your social media marketing team with those skills. One of the good ways to find the right staff is to find those that have attended social media marketing training from courses that enroll you in a social media college.

The right staff in your team will help you develop a successful marketing campaign and ensure that your efforts realize value by generating consumer return. Additionally, when you have the right people, they can identify gaps and develop your campaign along the way.

Develop Audience Targets

The success of a marketing program depends on the results. Your social media activities will only succeed when there are audience targets. Social media channels are good in targeting messages according to demographic groups, preferences, and other characteristics among the consumers. You can also select a group or niche that you feel will realize the most value or best return from the campaign activity.

Additionally, your campaign will also be easier to monitor and evaluate when you have and know each specific group within your targets. Your team will also have an easier time working on the campaign activities within the different groups and specific channels.

Identify Goals and Constraints

Ultimately, it would be best to have constraints that guide your marketing activities and the outcomes you are aiming for. Each channel and group should have a goal. The measures would make it easier to evaluate progress and realize value from these processes.

Social media is also dynamic in its activities and the course that it can assume through time. When you have clear goals, you will also understand the right time to impose changes and develop new strategies that match the latest state of each channel.


Social media marketing is the new frontier for business growth. The choice is an inexpensive and aligned way to realize value from the marketing process. You will also have a more comprehensive selection from the different channels and choose the target consumers based on their characteristics and preferences. A good campaign strategy will work when you know the different channels, have themes, the right staff with skills, and clear goals in the marketing activity.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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