Home Digital Marketing SEO 7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google

7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google


In the digital world, everyone wants to improve their visibility on the internet. Most of them are looking for short tweaks.

Experts acknowledge that SEO is more of a marathon, and if anyone is promising quick rich results he/she is suspicion.

7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google

In this article, we are going to discuss 7 proven ways to improve your search engine ranking on Google.

7 proven ways to improve your search engine ranking on Google

1. Improve on-site SEO

One of the fastest ways to improve on Google rankings is to improve on-page SEO.

It just takes a few minutes and there you go, start to see rankings boost within a few days.

Step 1- Start with ‘front-loading” your keyword, right from the beginning of the title tag

But why?

That’s because Google spotlights on terms that come first rather than those keywords which show up later on.

For example, my target keyword on this page is YouTube SEO

We should start with that keyword

YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide (2020)

Step 2 – According to recent researches, many experts acknowledge that Google likes the longer content.

Longer Content means higher rankings on Google.

Now, this doesn’t mean that we should drag the content, but what it means is if content needs more information we should research in-depth and write accordingly.

For example: when we are competing with the giants of industry on Google rankings, then Google will give the highest priority to the one who has more information (Aka Longer content).

Step 3 – Insert your keyword 3x time on your page.

Now we are not saying to implement keyword stuffing

By adding keyword 2-3x times we are giving a signal to Google that this page is about this search query.

Whenever a user searches a query on Google, Google shows the results that are most relevant to the search query.

Thus we should add relevant terms for our pages.

Further, it leads us to

2. Add LSI keywords to your page

LSI keywords are the words or the phrases that are relevant to your topic of the page.

It’s one of the SEO tactics, which is working awesome.

By adding LSI keywords we show signals to Google, that our content is actually about this topic.

Google wants the best experience for its users, so Google would like the content that has covered all those points on a single page

Instead, showing multiple pages for different topics.

3. Match your content to search intent

Nowadays, a new vogue word is Search intent in the world of SEO.

Google can figure out if at all our site is a perfect fit for a particular keyword.

In simple words, Google analyzes how the users mesh up with our website.

If the users are getting what they are looking for, it means we can expect that our website rankings will improve.

And if not, Google will degrade your ranking on Google SERPs.

For example, if a user’s search intent is to find out the best blogging tools, our content should be regarding the “Top 10 blogging tools”

Instead of “Blogging guidelines”.

4. Build backlinks

Building backlinks is the heart of the off-page SEO technique.

Creating brilliant content is very good, but we want our content to reach the audience.

Back-linking is interconnecting other websites with our content.
It includes two types of backlink

  • In-bound backlink (Internal Linking)
  • Out-bound backlink (External Linking).

In a recent report published by Word Press, we came to know that every month 70 million posts are published.

Build backlinks

This means we can’t publish content and throw it in the ocean while sitting back and pray that automatically people will link to us.

We need to promote our content to get a higher ranking in Google’s eye.

Tips on how to get links

A) Reach out broken or dead links and approach the webmaster or the author to get links
B) Resource pages can be handy in getting links
C) Guest posting up to some extent, but don’t make it a habit.

5. Reduce bounce rate

The bounce rate in the SEO world is a conversion rate that is counted based on how much percentage of users bounce back from any website or a webpage.

Does it matter?

Yes indeed a lot, because if anyone’s website is not good from the user’s point of view they will certainly bounce back from the website.

Visa e versa, if anyone’s website is providing a good user experience or engages any user to the website it will reduce the bounce rate of the website.

Either way, we are sending the signals good or bad to Google.

But in general, Google de-ranks any website if the user is not happy with any website.

Tips to reduce bounce rate

A) Go with the Search intent approach
B) Push the content “above the fold”
C) Add Table of contents
D) Add different visuals for a better user experience.

6. Publish high-quality content

If we intend to improve search engine rankings we need to make sure that we publish high-quality content.

Most of us want to publish awesome stuff on our site.

Things to be considered for High-quality content it includes:

  • Unique content, free of plagiarism act
  • Lengthy content, where necessary
  • Visuals that gives a better user experience
  • Content that people would like to share on different social platforms
  • Become a data source by adding facts, figures, statistics, and reports.

Now how can we create content that is free from plagiarism?
Plagiarism is a strict law, to protect anyone’s thoughts or ideas or any sort of research from copying and owning it.

Google doesn’t index any content that is breaking the plagiarism rules and regulations.

Google instantly catches anyone if found breaking this law, as a result, Google penalizes, bans, or throws your website in the last rankings of its SERPs.

To overcome this issue, there are plenty of plagiarism detector available online.

  • It shows the exact source of copied content.
  • These tools help to create unique and creative content
  • It help fix grammatical mistakes and errors

7. Monitor technical SEO

For most of us, technical SEO is not an issue, but still, we need to make sure that we fix all the technical issues, as this can hurt any site’s SEO.

First of all, we need to make sure that our site is 100% mobile-friendly.

Especially after Google rolled out the mobile-first index, we need to make sure that our site passes the mobile-friendly test.

Thanks to the SEO tools, checking how mobile-friendly is our site is just a piece of cake.

We can copy our website’s URL and paste in the Mobile-friendly testing tool.

Green shows everything is perfect, and red shows things to be fixed.


The above-given steps are effective and result oriented for anyone who wants to improve their search engine ranking on Google.

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Shirley McGill is a freelance writer, content promotion specialist and social network marketing specialist with 4 year experience. As an entrepreneur, she is sure that viewers have access to very useful and useful tips that he uses to offer his clients social networking solutions. You can see Lisa's work on her site


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