Home Lifestyle Food & Nutrition 7 Questions to Ask a Event Caterer Before Hiring Them

7 Questions to Ask a Event Caterer Before Hiring Them


Formal or casual – food is the most momentous decision at a party!

And if you are planning an event in Melbourne, then food and beverage arrangements have to be flawless. But how to choose the right catering service? We have got your back!

7 Questions to Ask a Event Caterer Before Hiring Them

Hiring a wedding or corporate event catering can be complicated when organizing a party. It is because you have to consider the budget, rules and regulations, and the quality of meals.

Behold, we have brought you good news; below is a compiled list of 7 important questions that a customer must ask a caterer. It will help you in choosing the right caterer and ease your work!

7 Important Queries To Clear Before Hiring A Caterer

1. Is Venue Location Convenient?

What’s your event location? Is it convenient for your food catering provider?

The location of an event is important for your guests as well as catering service providers. So, when you are choosing a caterer, check the distance between their business location to your event venue. It should be convenient so that their team can travel easily to your event venue.

If you choose a company from a different location, it might be hard for them to reach your event venue. So, find an event catering in Melbourne that knows your site and already has experience working on the same venue. Otherwise, if you choose a non-familiar company with a location, ask them to visit before the big day. So that they will examine whether their vehicle will enter from the main gate or the roads are good to pass through.

One more option is to ask the venue owner about the best caterer nearby. Even after asking peers you have to ensure that the vendors are approved. Don’t trust blindly! Because you can’t put your special program at risk.

2. What Are Their Catering Fees?

Let’s start with the most important factor, which is the service provider’s fees.

Does a particular caterer come in your budget? What are their fees and services? Do they charge any additional fees?

These questions may seem obvious but remember, never skip them. Once you know your budget, check the number of options you also have, and consider the hidden cost.

Don’t go low to budget or too high a budget! Weigh the options you have and then stick to one. Also, ensure whether the catering service providers can fulfill your expectations, what food quality they provide, and what your event size is.

Don’t rush to the things, and be aware of the caterers that provide an exact quotation during the initial conversation. There are possibilities that you may get better food catering in Melbourne at the same price.

3. Are They Flexible?

Flexibility is not just regarding timing; it includes last-hour changes, customization, offering cut-offs in the menu, etc.

Before hosting a party, accept that your attendees will have different preferences, dietary restrictions, and food allergies. These things may create major complications in an event, so plan a flexible menu. For this, ask your event catering provider about their flexibility.

When you are thinking of choosing a caterer, clear your doubts regarding their adaptability. Ask them:

  • To provide a sample for the menu.
  • Check out their cuisine specialty.
  • Availability of menu customization.
  • Ask for additional customization fees (if any).
  • Acceptance of the cutoff request.

4. Do They Have A Portfolio Of Client Reviews?

If it is the quality and reputable event catering in Melbourne they will never hesitate to show their client reviews. They will also share the saved testimonials on their company website. It will help you to verify whether the business makes their clients satisfied.

To ensure that your caterer will fulfill the promises, you can rely on customer reviews. And the best way to confirm is to seek out views from past clients. Use the company’s website or Google reviews to verify their services. Also, you can ask your colleagues or family to suggest the right caterer for your budget.

Further, you can use online sources and photos of events, like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more.

5. Does The Company Have License And Insurance Coverage?

Once you have decided whom you want to hire, check their certifications and license. Also, ask whether they offer insurance coverage. For instance, if a company isn’t offering certificates to you, then move on to another option. It simply indicates that you should leave them.

Moreover, it’s great to know all the details of the insurance coverage provided by a caterer.

Clear few queries:

  • Does a company have proper certifications?
  • Ask them if they have an alcohol serving license.
  • Review their insurance policies.
  • Check out whether there are any additional permits needed

6. What Food Serving Method Do They Follow?

As an event planner, it’s your responsibility to know where the caterer prepares food. For instance, if they prepare in their kitchen, ask how they would deliver in the venue?

Well, you must ensure that the food delivered is fresh and whether they charge a delivery cost. Moreover, try to provide a cooking space or kitchen in your venue. It is because off-site food preparation has some cons. There are possibilities of limited menu items or late food delivery as some food is not easy to deliver. It includes; tea, coffee, soups, etc.

7. Are They Comfortable To Schedule A Tasting Session?

Don’t just go for beautiful pictures or the company’s description; instead, ask food catering in Melbourne to provide a tasting session.

Basically, when you decide to choose a catering service provider, the company offers a tasting session. And the tasting schedule is an opportunity to check the food they are going to serve in an event.

For example, if it is a one-day event, then you have to be sure that breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be served as per your instructions. Start with a morning tea catering session and ask them to serve all the meals. It will help in verifying whether they serve delicious and quality meals.

Final Thoughts

Your guests will forget the decorations, but they will never forget the food served at an event!

So, make sure to choose the right type of event catering in Melbourne or nearby areas. Select the caterer with experience in serving food at the same event.

Furthermore, putting these questions to your caterer will help you find a good fit for your event.

Good luck!


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