Home Lifestyle Food & Nutrition Eat These 10 Foods To Keep Your Body Cool In Hot Weather

Eat These 10 Foods To Keep Your Body Cool In Hot Weather


The hot season came. And now it is March, which means rotten heat, hot weather and very sunny. That said, we will not stay at home. We have to go outside. And then all the water comes out of the body through sweat and we become de-hydrated and tired. But we can get rid of this condition only when our body is cold. And the body is cold but you don’t have to drink lots of cold drinks on that street from time to time. If you want to stay cold inside, you have to eat some food regularly. Let’s see what those foods are.

Eat These 10 Foods To Keep Your Body Cool In Hot Weather

1. Watermelon

The first thing to say about the advantages and disadvantages of watermelon is that it is a fruit in summer but it can save us. Ideal fruit for hot weather. It contains 91.45% water. So if you eat this fruit, you will get the quality of eating the fruit, the water will be in the body. The demand for water will be met. And the body will be cold. As well as the antioxidants it contains, it also helps to cool the body. We can understand this cold feeling if we take watermelon in our mouth at any time. Watermelon is one of the best fruit juice for skin.

2. Cucumber and cucumber nutrition

There is nothing new about the nutritional value of cucumber. But there is no answer to this vegetable to keep the body cool. Cucumbers also contain water throughout most parts. And eating cucumber so this water meets the water requirement in our body. It also keeps the body cool.

3. Coconut water

This is also a very good thing for hot meals. Very good as a summer-drink. Coconut water contains essential vitamins, minerals and other minerals. So even if sweat comes out of the body, it fills its place. And there are ways to keep the body cool in this coconut water. As a rule, if you drink coconut water every day, you will be very good this summer.

4. Benefits of mint leaves and mint leaves

This summer, you must have seen on the streets that mint juice is being sold. In summer this mint works just like magic. When you come home from the heat and eat mint, you will see that the body has become cold immediately, the temperature has dropped a lot. So eat mint leaves. You can eat mint in combination with yogurt. You can also eat mint chutney. However, no matter how you eat, it is very important to eat mint.

5. Benefits of vegetables

Whether it is hot or cold, green vegetables should be eaten more at any time. Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of water. This water maintains your body temperature and maintains the pH balance. Remember, however, that if you cook too much, the water in the vegetable dries out and other nutritional properties are lost. You can prepare healthy vegetable recipes for your child. So eat less cooked vegetables.

6. Onion

Don’t be surprised to hear that onions can keep your body cool. You can understand the water in the onion by looking at it. This onion is very good if you can eat it raw with rice. If it feels bad to eat, eat it with salad or with yogurt. You will be surprised to hear that onion protects you from sun stroke.

7. Benefits of coriander leaves

Coriander leaves are now available not only in winter, but also in summer. 95% of coriander leaves are water and that is why this leaf can keep your body cool. In addition to this, it contains sodium, potassium, iron and magnesium, which are minerals. You can make coriander chutney and eat it.

8. Lau

Many people may not like to eat it. But there is also a lot of water in the gourd, which can be seen in the gourd coral. It keeps the body cool as the amount of water is high. It also contains sodium and potassium. So digestion is also very convenient. And since it is easily available, it is at the beginning of the list.

9. Pineapple

There are very few delicious and fruitful works. This fruit is more available on hot days. So eat this fruit too much. It contains a lot of vitamin C. And as a result, the amount of water is quite high. So eat pineapple to keep your body cool.

10. Papaya

Papaya is also very useful to keep the body cool and cool in hot weather. It is rich in minerals and vitamins. You can eat raw papaya with curry or boiled. Or you can eat ripe papaya as a fruit. But no matter what you eat, eating papaya is sure to keep you well this summer. Hopefully this summer it won’t be too much of a problem. Eat these foods in moderation, drink plenty of water and stay healthy in this heat.

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Shirley is a passionate blogger. She writes about her life experiences in the form of words. She had done masters in technology & working with a leading technology organization as an analyst. Moreover, if you want to follow her, then subscribe to the feeds.


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